Alice's Road to Recovery: showcasing the power of rehab

The CSP took Alice’s journey to the highest level of power at the Labour Party Conference and we’re now inviting you to spread its influence even further, through social media, hosting events and contacting MPs

There is nothing more powerful than walking in someone else’s shoes.

Alice’s Road to Recovery is a digital immersive experience that allows people to do just that. It takes people into the world of Alice – as she takes her very first steps after a catastrophic health incident, supported by a team of rehabilitation professionals.

It is a unique and powerful way to show decision-makers the true difference rehab makes and there are many ways you can share Alice's story and champion the power of rehab.

Email your MP

The government is set to announce their spending plans in the budget at the end of October. We want to reach as many MPs as possible in the lead-up to the budget.

We are asking MPs directly to experience this patient journey and then use their voice to champion rehab for the thousands of patients like Alice.

Will you help by using Alice’s Road to Recovery as an introduction to healthcare decision-makers or your local MP? It can take as little as five minutes.

Share Alice’s Road to Recovery on social media

We’d love you to share Alice’s Road to Recovery on social media. It can be used by anyone on their smartphone or tablet. Don’t forget the hashtag #righttorehab.

Suggested social media posts 

'Surgery and medicine save lives, rehab saves people. Proud to be a member of the physio profession making this difference every day. It’s time for the government to invest in prevention & rehab—better health is everyone’s right. #RightToRehab 

Walk in Alice’s footsteps and see the difference rehab makes:'

Social media graphics

You can use the graphics below with your post.

Right to rehab social media graphic - square

Graphic saying "Effective rehab adds life to years, not just years to life" overlaid over a photo of a manin sunglasses

Right to rehab social media graphic - rectangle

Graphic saying "Effective rehab adds life to years, not just years to life" overlaid over a photo of a man in sunglasses

Using Alice’s Road to Recovery at events

You can use Alice's story to showcase the power of rehabilitation among your local decision-makers or peers.

The easiest way to showcase Alice’s Road to Recovery at an event is to download the QR code and print it out. You could print it on a large piece of paper or have many smaller versions.

You can then encourage people to participate in the experience using their smartphones.

How do I explain this to someone?

Here is a script you can use to explain the experience to someone wanting to try out the experience:

'In this immersive digital experience, you see the world through the eyes of a patient called Alice. She has a health crisis while walking in a park and wakes up in hospital unable to move. With the help of physios, she learns to walk again, before discovering what it takes to help someone through rehab.

Patient Jo, who experienced a stroke and is one of the patients on whose story the experience is based, told us that without rehab - “I wouldn’t be able to walk right now and would likely be languishing in a home somewhere very miserable, very dependent on carers and with no life to speak of.”

With rehab, she has gone from not being able to move at all in September last year, to returning to her beloved Dartmoor for her favourite walk in August this year.

Her words illustrate the human cost of the crisis cycle that sees greater pressure put on GP surgeries and A&E because of gaps in prevention and rehabilitation.

The benefit to patients, the NHS and the taxpayer of closing those gaps speaks for itself.'

Top tips for sharing Alice's journey at events

  1. Make sure you have tried Alice’s Road to Recovery before you take it to an event so you can help guide people through the experience.
  2. Under Preferences, the visitor can choose their language, whether or not to have subtitles, and whether they want on-screen text spoken aloud. This is done by sliding the relevant buttons to the right.
  3. The experience has to be played all the way through without stopping. If it is paused, or they try to skip ahead, it will glitch and have to be restarted. If this happens, you can guide someone to restart the experience.
  4. A voice will instruct people to close their eyes at one point, so please watch them to ensure they don’t experience balance problems or bump into anything.
  5. At the end of the experience, ask them to click on share and post about the experience on social media using #righttorehab

We’d love to hear how you use Alice’s Road to Recovery. Email to let us know how and when you use it.

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