The UK Covid-19 Inquiry: have your say

Ensure the Covid-19 public inquiry understands the experiences of working people during the pandemic

It's vital that the experiences of working people during the pandemic are heard by the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry. We're working with the TUC to make sure this happens.

We would really like to hear your story. Please complete this confidential survey prepared by the TUC – it should only take a few minutes of your time:

This sur vey follows an earlier CSP-led call for evidence.   The testimony from those members that submitted evidence to us through the earlier webform form has already informed our evidence and – where permission was granted – shared with the TUC.

You can also submit your experiences directly to the Covid Inquiries.  This can be done through the Every Story Matters listening exercise, and the Scottish Get Involved portal.

Contact us for an alternative method to complete this submission, or if you have been personally approached by either inquiry.

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