CSP's Council identifies and agrees CSP policy and strategy. It is led by the Chair and supported in its work by the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee, the Employment Committee and the Professional Committee. The CSP's CEO is accountable to the Chair of Council. The organisation has five directorates, summarized below.

John Cowman is CSP chief executive. The Chief executive’s office is responsible for the governance and internal day to day operation of the society, supporting the chair, vice-chair and members of Council, and for managing and coordinating all decisions of Council. The directorate also includes the Human Resources Team.

Ash James is director of the Practice and Development directorate which promotes high standards of physiotherapy practice, education, research and development. The directorate provides the tools and services to lead and support members in their physiotherapy practice and development and works with members to advocate for and promote the value of physiotherapy to stakeholders.

Claire Sullivan is director of Employment Relations and Union Services (ERUS), the trade union arm of the society. ERUS staff support CSP members, both individually and collectively, in the workplace and promotes both CSP and members' interests at local, regional, national and international level.

Rob Yeldham is director of the Strategy, Policy and Engagement directorate, and is responsible for promoting the physiotherapy profession, member communications, stakeholder relations, enquiry handling, policy and income generation.

Jon Mawby is the director of Corporate Services and Infrastructure (CSI), responsible for leading and shaping how the CSP carries out its business. This includes business systems and processes, financial management, use of data and analytics and infrastructure and ICT.
To get in touch with any of the Leadership Team please contact our Enquiries Team.