Our contact details

How to get in touch with the CSP


Email and online

Email us on enquiries@csp.org.uk or send us a message at any time via our contact form 


Speak to the CSP enquiries team by calling 020 7306 6666 or +44 20 7306 6666 from outside the UK. (Staffed service from 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday with voicemail service outside these hours.)


Our main postal address is: 3rd Floor South, Chancery Exchange, 10 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1AB. We also have offices Belfast & Cardiff, any correspondence for Edinburgh can be sent to our main address.

Do you have a complaint?

For CSP service complaints please refer to our pages on complaints against CSP staff or CSP members.

To complain about a physiotherapist's conduct please refer to the HCPC website.

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