Explore our tender opportunities in physiotherapy

We have three exciting tender opportunities available for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), organisations or independent consultants interested in shaping the future of physiotherapy

Physiotherapy tenders webinar

We held a webinar about all three tender opportunities and the application process. You can view the recording of it below:


  • Before contacting us to ask a question, first check if it has already been answered in our full questions and answers from the webinar.

1. Preceptorship insight project

Preceptorship is a period of structured support provided to healthcare professionals during key moments of career transition. Its purpose is to improve individuals’ confidence as they move into new roles. With the development of new National NHSE guidance, the HCPC principles and emerging preceptorship programmes / policy across other nations, it is now time to understand the implementation and impact of these programmes in physiotherapy.

Purpose of our preceptorship insight project

We want to explore the challenges and benefits for all stakeholders (public and private), across four nations so that member resources can be created, and best practice can be showcased.

  • An award of approx. £40,000 for the period of TBA (July / August 2024 - February 2025).

2. Degree apprenticeship deep dive

An apprenticeship is a paid job where an employee learns and gains valuable experiences within their place of work. It can offer structured career development to individuals looking to upskill in their current job or enter a new profession. For employers, they provide the potential to address workforce gaps or skills shortages through improving supply and retention, whilst potentially diversifying the workforce which then benefits the populations they serve.

Apprenticeships feature strongly in the NHS England Long Term Workforce Plan (2023), identifying that up to 5 per cent of pre-registration physiotherapy learners should be training via a degree apprenticeship format by 2031. The first programme commenced in 2018/19 and today, there are 10 HEIs providing this offer with graduates from earlier programmes now part of the workforce.

Purpose of our degree apprenticeship deep dive

We want to understand more about the success and challenges of the learning journey for apprentices, employers and providers and explore the impact of apprenticeship training on workforce supply, retention, diversity and patient pathways; to make recommendations for ensuring quality and sustainability.

  • An award of approx. £30,000 for the period of TBA (July / August 2024 - February 2025).

3. Leaders and managers: Workforce planning insight project

Effective workforce planning ensures safe, high-quality care can be delivered to patients and service users. It is important that physiotherapy workforce numbers, for registered and non-registered staff, are reflected in the demands of the population health needs for physiotherapy and rehab services. Creating an effective workforce not only requires sufficient and appropriately trained staff, but leaders and managers who can influence workforce decision making.

Purpose of our workforce planning insight project

We want to understand how physiotherapy workforce decisions are included in workforce assessments, plans and related strategies at a local, organisational and system/strategic level across the four Nations. We are keen to explore leaders and managers experiences of contributing/influencing to workforce planning.

  • An award of approx. £40,000 for the period of TBA (July / August 2024 - February 2025).

For expressions of interest and any questions

For expressions of interest, please email Anita Watson.

For full details of each tender and how to apply, please see the documents below:

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