Rehabilitation, recovery and reducing health inequity: easing the pain (2nd edition)

This report raises awareness of health inequities in rehabilitation and recovery services.

We have updated the report with a new set of recommendations across the UK and new case studies from each country. This is to strengthen our influencing when calling for universal access to high-quality rehabilitation services.

The gap in healthy life expectancy is being driven by the increasing numbers of people managing a long-term condition (LTC) and, increasingly more than one – known as multi-morbidity.

This situation affects a higher proportion of the population facing systemic discrimination and marginalisation, and those experiencing higher levels of deprivation.

Report findings 

  • Prevention campaigns are badly targeted and referral rates for those who do develop a health condition are inconsistent.
  • At every stage marginalised communities face barriers to accessing high-quality recovery and rehabilitation services, including through societal discrimination, lack of cultural competence or communication barriers.
  • A lack of consistent data is damaging the ability of health services to provide rehabilitation that meets needs.
  • Without high-quality rehabilitation a patient experiences a downward spiral, and the prevalence of one LTC can often lead to multiple conditions.

Report recommendations

The CSP is calling on all UK governments to fulfil their commitments to address inadequate rehabilitation services and disparities in healthy life expectancy, and for universal access to high-quality rehabilitation.

The report includes recommendations for Integrated Care Boards in England, Health Boards in Scotland and Wales, and Integrated Care Systems in Northern Ireland to ensure rehabilitation services and health inequity plans are developed and implemented with the priority they require. 

Download the report to read the recommendations.


You can also download our presentation. It includes updated key recommendations for England, Scotland, NI and Wales from the report, and can be used when you are promoting the report and influencing stakeholders.


The lack of access to rehabilitation services and solutions differ across the UK. We have produced leaflets that tell the story of the state of health inequity in each country. Understanding country needs ensures that our recommendations are specifically targeted for each setting and administration.