Acupuncture, Arthritis, Back, neck, joints and muscles, Home visits, Injection therapist, Occupational Health / Desk assessment, Older people's care, Orthopaedics / Trauma, Pain management, Sports physiotherapy, Vestibular rehab (balance), Workplace health
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At Southwell Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic we treat a range of clients across all age groups; from children to people of advanced age, elite athletes and our working population. With years of extensive experience, we assess, diagnose, treat and work with you to promote well-being and minimise disability. Alongside Physiotherapy our highly skilled practitioners offer a wide range therapies and treatments including Private General Practice, Musculoskeletal Injection Therapy, Sports Therapy, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Cosmetic Aesthetics, Bodywork & Massage and Holistic Therapy.