Acupuncture, Arthritis, Back, neck, joints and muscles, Continence management, Home visits, Neurology inc Stroke, MS, Older people's care, Orthopaedics / Trauma, Pain management, Pilates, Sports physiotherapy, Vestibular rehab (balance), Women's health
Payment options
Further information
Welcome to Sense Ability Therapy CIC.
We are a not-for-profit, community interest company providing physiotherapy, movement and rehabilitation to the adult community.
Mission Statement
To support and improve the health, mobility and wellness of the community; in particular older people and those with long term conditions, through; education, physiotherapy, exercise classes and specialist walking rehabilitation and relevant technologies.
To provide expert, honest, evidence based advice and treatment which is always client focused.
To champion the right of every individual regardless of age, to have access to rehabilitation and the opportunity to improve their quality of life and options for social interaction.
To help people with low mobility levels improve their confidence, function and participation in the community.
To educate the community about the importance of daily movement over exercise and healthy living principles in general.
To work with GP’s, Councils, care home providers and local groups to increase awareness of the above for older people and those with long term conditions.
We specialise in neurological conditions, mobility and balance problems, falls and pain management. All our profits go towards purchasing equipment and running courses that benefit our clients and the community. We also run a small musculoskeletal service treating back, neck and joint problems. All the profits of which go towards supporting our community work.
All our Physiotherapists are HCPC and CSP registered and all staff are DBS checked.
Have a look around our website to see what we can offer you and for a full list of conditions we treat. If you have any questions or can’t find quite what you are looking for, please feel free to give us a ring or email us using the contact form. We are always happy to talk through your options and give you advice on the best route for you to take, whether it is with us or not!
We are based just outside Ipplepen, Devon.
- We provide professional, safe, effective and enjoyable rehabilitation and preventative programmes.
- We are experienced, highly specialised physiotherapists who always keep up to date with the latest evidence and recommendations.
- We will always put you first and listen to what you want.
- We will be honest, clear and explain all options open to you without bias.
- We are committed to finding rehabilitation and exercise options for all so always give us a ring and see what we can do for you.
“Move Well, Live Better!”