HSC Northern Ireland pay survey 2025

The CSPs pay review group looked at the Pay review body recommendations for England and their view was that it was a positive first step in the right direction.  

We are aware that the delays in getting the PRB recommendations approved in Northern Ireland are an ongoing issue. All health trade unions remain in contact with the minister to try to improve the situation going forward.   

The PRB had three recommendations – the third one will be taken forward by the NHS staff council on which Northern Ireland has a seat.   

PRB recommendations

The PRB has three recommendations: 

Pay uplift – 5.5 per cent 

Our 2024/25 evidence to the independent PRB made the case for a consolidated uplift above the rate of inflation.  The pay award of 5.5% has fully met this, considering all current inflation measures. 

However, we know how much members have lost due to the pay awards over the last decade and a half.   NHS pay is lower than it should be – and historically has been – in real terms. This is despite the improved pay members achieved through action for 2023/24 - and now 2024/25's above-inflation award. 

Introduction of intermediate pay step points in bands 8a and above

In our PRB evidence, we outlined concerns regarding particular issues within the current Agenda for Change pay structure. An agreement by the government to introduce an intermediate pay point for Bands 8a and above begins to address some of our concerns and supports career progression – resolving the anomaly of having five years with no pay step point in these bands. 

Resolving outstanding issues with the Agenda for Change pay structure 

The final commitment is for the government to work with the NHS Staff Council to address outstanding concerns with the current pay structure, such as the small gaps between some bands.  

Again, this formed part of our evidence to the PRB when we made the case for changes to pay to support career progression and promotion opportunities.  


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