CSP welcomes rehab inclusion in Wales action plan

The Welsh government has refreshed their ‘A Healthier Wales’ strategy, publishing a new action plan.  

The plan confirms rehab as a national action to create a healthier Wales over the long term.

In a statement, Jeremy Miles, cabinet secretary for health and social care said: 'In autumn 2023, the Welsh government’s chief scientific adviser for health published a report NHS in 10+ years: An examination of the projected impact of Long-Term Conditions and Risk Factors in Wales describing the challenges the NHS in Wales is likely to face over the next 10 to 25 years. 

'The report made it clear that the current demographic, economic and societal challenges facing our health and care system in Wales will continue to place unsustainable demands on our services. 

'In response to the evidence set out in this report, the former cabinet secretary for health and social care announced a refresh of the actions within A Healthier Wales, our long term plan for health and care. 

Jeremy Miles MS Health Cabinet Sec Wales in the Senedd
Jeremy Miles, Welsh cabinet secretary for health and social care, addressing the Senedd

'Included in this refreshed action plan is a list of actions for ill-health prevention, including a focus on rehab. The plan states the government will ‘through primary, community and social care services, help people stay well at or closer to home, through an integrated approach to improving the nation’s health and wellness. With a focus on rehabilitation, reablement and recovery, provide active support to keep people healthy and maintain independence.’

Calum Higgins, the CSP's public affairs and policy manager for Wales, welcomed the focus on rehab by the government: ‘It’s great to see rehab being recognised as a key pillar of prevention work for the NHS, and this action plan will set the national expectation that rehab is key to prevention and is a nationwide priority. 

'The challenge now is to see health boards deliver rehab investment on the ground, ensuring services such as community physiotherapy are properly invested in, to prevent further ill health and bring down waiting times.’ 

The refreshed actions can be found here

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