Quarterly member satisfaction survey 2024/25

We rely on your satisfaction and feedback to provide a better/improved service to you. This is why we are asking you to complete our 10-minute member satisfaction survey to understand how we can better meet your needs.

To make the process easier and avoid survey fatigue, we decided that all members would receive only two member satisfaction surveys a year. The best way to achieve this was to split our membership by birth month.  

Birth month and survey timetable

  • January to June – April/May and October/November
  • July to December – January/February and July/August

If your birth month is between July and Decemberlook out for an email from us titled 'Voice your views on your membership!’ on 1 July which will contain your unique link to the survey. 

Please use the link in the email and do not share the link with colleagues. This link is unique to you. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and closes at 8am on 17 July. 

We value your feedback, so everyone who completes the survey will be eligible to enter into a draw to win one of five £100 Love2Shop vouchers.  

Please don’t be concerned if you haven’t received a link to the survey. We invite all members to take part in our member satisfaction surveys twice a year. If your birth month falls in the first half of the year, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts in our September member survey.  

Help make the CSP work for you! Have your say and you could win £100

Benefits of the survey

Your responses will help us to improve our services to you and support our corporate plan, policies and influencing. 

The more information we get, the more we can continue to make sure you and the sector get the best support you deserve. The information you provide helps us to serve you and the sector more efficiently. 

What we've done for you

Here are just a few examples of how we’ve acted on what members have told us

  • We want to be clearly identified as CSP members when taking part in strike action in Northern Ireland. We provided members and stewards with CSP beanies and hi vis jackets.

  • We’d like a forum to networkon health inequalities and share learning, knowledge, resources and experiences. An iCSP health inequalities network has been set up to connect with peers, pose questions and share practice ideas and innovation.

  • How can CSP equalities reps support internationally educated physiotherapists? We delivered a session to reps exploring how they can support internationally educated physios and the rest of the team supporting them in their workplaces. 

How your information will be used 

Your responses are confidential. Each unique link allows us to check for trends and patterns across groups of members.  

We won't share your individual responses, nor will we contact you about your answers. To understand how we use your data, you can view our privacy policy. We will ask for your consent at the end of the survey.

We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey.

If you have any questions, please email our marketing team.

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