Associates - support workers

Our online hub brings together all relevant resources for CSP associate members and support workers in one place.

Join the Associates' network

The CSP Associates’ network represents the interests of associate and student associate members.

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Associate members at ARC 2023

Latest news

See how associate members and other support workers are making a difference in practice and hitting the headlines; and watch our film #ThinkingDifferently.

Read the latest associate news and stories
Robert Minter, physiotherapy assistant, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Photo: Lorne Campbell/Guzelian

Your vital role

Support workers make a significant contribution to patient care and services. We challenge inaccurate myths, and believe governments, policy makers and leaders should be doing more to grow and develop their physio support workforces.

Find out what the CSP says, read our statement
a support worker examining a patient with a stethoscope

The support worker code of conduct

You have a responsibility as a healthcare worker to conduct yourself professionally. This includes everything from how you manage relationships with colleagues, patients and families, to your use of social media

Understand how to keeps things professional and what is expected of you
In Profile:Steve Robertson

Support worker scope of practice

To be effective in your role and to ensure you undertake appropriate tasks, activities and responsibilities, it is important you understand your scope of practice as a support worker. 

Read our briefing paper and capability guide
Scope 2

2022 lunch and learn CPD webinars

A series of webinars facilitated by the CSP and CSP professional networks providing learning opportunities for associate members.

Watch the webinars

Physio support worker career framework

We understand how difficult it is to navigate career development as a support worker. 

We have developed a guide which brings together all relevant information across the UK and will help you to map your development and see how you might progress in your career.

Download our career development framework
Optimising capability front cover


As a support worker at any level of practice, you will always work under the delegation of a registered healthcare professional. Understanding the principles of delegation is critical to ensure you work safely and effectively in your role.

Learn more about delegation
Two associate members talking

Learning and development

As a healthcare worker you have a responsibility at all stages of your career to keep your knowledge and skills up to date.  There are numerous CSP resources to support you, including how to plan, structure and capture your CPD

Access our CPD resources
CPD Advice

Professional guidance

We have a range of briefings that help you to understand everything from how you are covered by your CSP insurance to your responsibilities around consent and record keeping.

Access our professional guidance
physiogtherapist in discussion with a physiotherapy assistant

Workplace support and guidance

As an associate member you are entitled to access our full range of trade union guidance and support, including through your steward or CSP rep if you have an employment issue or concern.

Guidance to support you in the workplace
support worker with phone

Your voice in the CSP

There are so many ways for associate members to get involved in the CSP community including through our numerous networks, Associates' network and our Council. These opportunities enable you to raise your profile and that of your peers and will contribute to your personal development.

Find out how to get involved
Physiotherapists working as part of a ward-based nursing establishment

CSP position statement on optimising the contribution of the AHP support workforce

The CSP has joined a coalition of 13 other organisations asking policy makers, employers, workforce planners and AHP leaders throughout the UK to value the AHP support workforce.

This includes a call to action to provide consistent and sustainable funding for AHP support workers’ education and training.

The coalition has also committed to work together on this agenda in order to strengthen their voices and their influence.

Read the full statement on standing together for AHP support workers
stand together for AHP support workers