Also in this issue
In review: featured book
Our featured book 'The Boy on the Shed is a story of love and fate, yet this autobiography is more than a tale of the vagaries of sporting fortune.
Research findings: staving off prolapse surgery
In the third in our regular series from the National Institute for Health Research, we look at pelvic floor prolapse.
3 minutes with Andrea Wright
Mindfulness can be a helpful tool in physiotherapy, says Andrea Wright. She uses it in her musculoskeletal clinic – and her own daily life.
News focus: wanted physio leaders
Having physiotherapists in senior roles can have a ‘transformational’ effect on NHS reform according to a new report– but how to get into positions
Advice line: what is credentialing?
What is credentialing, why do we need it – and is it even a word? Sally Gosling explains.
Go digital: digital change will empower AHPs
Digital change will empower AHPs – that’s the message from the 2018 CAHPO conference, says Euan McComiskie.
Celebrate the autonomy
Advanced physiotherapy practitioners play a crucial role in keeping patients out of hospital, say Catriona Walker and Pamela Anderson.
Your comments: 18 July 2018
Here are your comments on topics covered by us. We look forward to hearing your views and opinions on related articles.
Editor's comment: fast food and slow people
We are not doing anything like enough exercise.