The government launches a national programme to help career break physios in England to re-join the workforce
The CSP has welcomed the government’s launch on 28 August of a national scheme to help physiotherapists and other allied health professionals (AHPs) on career breaks to return to work.
Tom Bromfield is set to become what is believed to be the first physiotherapist in Wales to study on an advanced critical care practitioner (ACCP) programme.
A new scheme to help physiotherapists and other AHPs return to work is important but needs to be part of a wider drive to give the NHS the workforce it needs, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy said today.
Physio health screenings are a key part of major sporting games
Physiotherapists, assistants, technical instructors and physio students provided medical cover and health screenings for athletes with learning difficulties, at a major sporting event this summer.
Horse rider physio uses sporting empathy while volunteering at world athletics championships
Experience as a leading sportswoman ‘definitely helped’ Beth Langley in her role as a volunteer physiotherapist at two world athletic championships in London.
Physios must be on team that follow-ups premature babies, from birth to age of two
Neonatal physiotherapists should be helping to provide developmental support and surveillance assessments to prematurely born children, during the first two years of their lives.