This week the Trades Union Congress (TUC) released its anti-racism manifesto – an action plan for change across UK workplaces – and within unions themselves.
CSP joins Westminster roundtable to discuss workforce and health inequity with MPs
The CSP, alongside other partners from the Community Rehabilitation Alliance met with MPs this week to drive home the importance of rehabilitation and recovery services.
CSP highlights NHS rehab and staffing challenges at TUC
The CSP kicked off its contribution to Trades Union Congress’ three-day annual policy making conference, highlighting the huge challenges facing NHS staff and the urgency of widening access to rehab to patients.
Timetable for industrial ballot in England and Wales extended
Our historic pay ballots in England and Wales - where each employer will be balloted separately - will now be extended by two weeks to run from 7 November to 12 December.
CSP calls on politicians to commit to a Right to Rehabilitation in Northern Ireland
CSP Northern Ireland (NI) has been working with the Rehabilitation Alliance for Northern Ireland to organise a series of events, as part of our ongoing campaign for a Right to Rehabilitation to be included in the NI Executive’s next Programme for Government.
Principles of practice-based learning - launch webinar
The CSP has joined forces with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) to produce a series of principles for practice-based learning, and you can book a free place now at the launch webinar.