Look at the big picture of care for older people, says NHS Confederation
An NHS Confederation commission on improving urgent care for older people is calling for fresh ways to measure services across entire systems, not just a single organisation or department.
Physio kept up her exercise regime while rowing across the Pacific
A British physiotherapist managed to find space in a cabin the size of a two-person tent to do muscle-stretching exercises while rowing across the Pacific.
Physios must report threats to patient safety, says HCPC
Physiotherapists have a new professional duty to report concerns about patient safety and be open and honest if something goes wrong with the treatment they provide.
CSP urges MPs to recommend increasing physio student places
An influential group of MPs should tell the government to increase the number of places on physiotherapy degree courses in England, according to the CSP.
Commissioners lift threat to physio services in Mid Essex
NHS commissioners in Mid Essex could put on hold proposals to stop or severely restrict access to physiotherapy while they look at alternative cost-saving measures.
Physio fights for quality standard on exercise for MS
A physiotherapist ensured that guidance about physical activity was included in new National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards for multiple sclerosis (MS).
NICE standard on obesity highlights multidisciplinary weight management programmes
A new quality standard on preventing and tackling obesity in adults focuses on integrated weight management programmes, which could be delivered by physiotherapists.