CSP seeks clarification on risk of fentanyl patches in pools
The CSP is clarifying whether exercising in hydrotherapy pools, which may raise body temperature, could be a risk for patients wearing fentanyl transdermal patches.
BACPAR gains NICE accreditation for its guideline development process
For the first time the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has accredited a CSP professional network’s method of updating its guidelines.
Direct access cancellation ‘the wrong decision at the wrong time’, warns CSP NI
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy in Northern Ireland has strongly criticised a decision by the Health and Social Care Board not to proceed with the roll out of physiotherapy self-referral.
Football physio calls for ‘vital’ research into frequent heading of the ball
A physiotherapist who works with professional footballers is calling for more research to establish if frequent heading of the ball can cause brain damage.
The ESCAPE Pain programme for osteoarthritis has launched an app with 16 exercise videos to improve joint pain and animations to help people learn about how to better manage their condition.