New ACPIN president calls for neuro physiotherapists to gain greater recognition
Physiotherapists have never had so much power to change the lives of people with neurological conditions, but they also need to be in a position to influence policy.
Telephone assessment physios in Cambridge promote self-management
A telephone assessment service in Cambridgeshire is helping more than half of its physiotherapy patients to self-manage their conditions, according to recent audit results.
ACPIN conference: Carers key to successful constraint therapy
Constraint induced movement therapy for brain-injured patients is enhanced by the close involvement of carers, and the use of home diaries to record progress.
ACPIN conference: Physios should treat more neurological conditions
Neurological physios should consider working with a wider range of conditions, according to the outgoing president of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Interested in Neurology (ACPIN).
ACPIN conference: AHPs turning national policy into local practice
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are developing local strategies to ensure the implementation of NHS England’s AHPs into Action policy, according to chief AHP officer Suzanne Rastrick.