December in the media - the workforce crisis, FCPs and women’s health

Physiotherapy continued to feature prominently in the media in December.



We were pleased to secure an article in The Herald which reported on the results of our latest workforce survey in Scotland, completed by nearly 600 physiotherapists. The findings highlight the significant impact of the staffing crisis on patients, staff, and services across the country. 

Additionally, CSP's Kenryck Lloyd-Jones was interviewed by BBC Good Morning Scotland calling on the government to urgently expand the number of physiotherapy training places and plan the future workforce; this featured in news alerts across various local stations, and we secured a response from the government on the issue. 

As FCPs continue to demonstrate their effectiveness, CSP’s Ash James explores how practice managers can unlock the full potential of the role in Pulse’s Management in Practice. 

A letter from the Vice Chair of the POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy), Lucia Berry was published in the Times calling for more support and investment in pelvic health services and for women’s reproductive health conditions following a report by the Women and Equalities Committee  

An article in the Mail highlighted our workforce stats which show the UK has fewer physios per patient than its international peers.   

An article in the Mirror included a link to our website as a supportive resource for people looking to get fitter at home. 

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