Influencing at the highest level

Health Secretary Wes Streeting has reconfirmed his commitment to work with the CSP when developing the 10-year plan for the NHS.

Wes Streeting with CSP staff at the 2024 Labour Conference
Wes Streeting with CSP delegates at the 2024 Labour Conference

He met with CSP senior leaders at the Labour Conference, and shared his own experiences of being treated by the NHS for kidney cancer.

Warmly praising the dedication and commitment of NHS workers, he welcomed CSP’s offer of working with him as he developed implementation plans for the NHS.

CSP leaders also had one-to-one discussions with health ministers Stephen Kinnock, Karin Smyth and Andrew Gwynne plus key figures in the Department of Health and Social Care.

The CSP is pursuing key influencing opportunities at the conference in Liverpool this week including with politicians from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

The Society brought a stand to the conference and hosted a panel debate to keep up the pressure after its submission for the Darzi review that argued rehabilitation should be a key theme of healthcare reform along with prevention.

Physiotherapist and MP Ruth Jones visited the CSP stand, saying:

The CSP is here at the heart of the new government, being able to influence and talk to people like me but also other politicians who maybe don’t understand the importance of physiotherapy

MPs try out immersive rehab experience

The CSP showcased its new digital immersive experience at its conference stand, which allowed MPs to experience what it’s like to go through rehab from patient ‘Alice’s’ point of view.

Having tried the experience, one visitor was so moved they commented, 'I’m lost for words, and I’m never lost for words.'

The experience will launch publicly on 1 October.

Creating a neighbourhood healthcare service

Daniel Francis MP talks with Rob Yeldham, CSP director of  strategy, policy and engagement
Daniel Francis MP talks with Rob Yeldham, CSP director of strategy, policy and engagement

The CSP also hosted a Fringe Event during the conference, debating what it will take to create a Neighbourhood Healthcare Service.

CSP assistant director Sara Hazzard argued that investing more in rehabilitation and community services is essential for a sustainable NHS.

She made the point that physiotherapists have long been healthcare leaders in the future direction - focusing on person-centred community based care, supported self management and working across disciplinary and condition specific perspectives.

Speaking after the first day of the conference, Sara said: ‘Key decisions are made at conference, and it’s vital that the CSP is here to be part of that conversation.

We have made huge progress on day one getting the concerns and ambitions of physiotherapy in front of the Secretary of State, and health ministers

‘We will build on this during the next two days.’

During the CSP hosted debate, MP Anna Dixon joined the panel, along with the chief executive of the King’s Fund Sarah Woolnough and the chief executive of the Richmond Group of Charities Duleep Allirajah.

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