'Crucial milestone' as AHP advisory body tackles community rehabilitation

The Allied Health Professionals (AHP) advisory committee subgroup on community rehabilitation has held its inaugural meeting, hosted by CSP Northern Ireland.

A physiotherapist providing community rehab to a person at home

The event brought together representatives from across the health sector, the Community Rehabilitation Alliance for Northern Ireland, local government representatives, and officials from the Department of Health.

The meeting, on 13 September, marked a significant step toward shaping a new rehabilitation framework for Northern Ireland.

Chair, Peter Burbridge from the Department of Health, outlined the meeting objectives: ‘The aim of the day is not to write a framework, highlight problems, or come up with solutions to those problems.

‘It is not about proposing new service models, nor creating a generic guidance document. What we want is a consensus view on what our framework will look like and, most importantly, what will make a difference.’

This collaborative session focused on gaining a collective understanding of what community rehabilitation should entail and how it can be implemented effectively.

Discussions emphasised the need for the framework to be rooted in real-world impact for patients and carers across Northern Ireland.

A crucial milestone

Tom Sullivan, CSP public affairs and policy manager, welcomed the meeting as a key step in the right direction.

Commenting on the significance of the initiative, he said: ‘This meeting is a crucial milestone in developing a robust and impactful community rehabilitation framework for Northern Ireland.

A well-defined framework will benefit not only patients, by improving access to vital rehabilitation services, but also their carers, who will see better support systems in place

'This initiative has the potential to transform rehabilitation care across the region, creating lasting positive outcomes for people who rely on these services.’

Right to rehab

The concept of the right to rehabilitation was also discussed at the meeting, with participants seeking to clarify what this means for the general public.

In essence, the right to rehab involves ensuring that everyone, regardless of background or location, has access to timely, appropriate, and high-quality rehabilitation services.

This would include support for recovery from illness or injury, managing long-term conditions, and improving overall quality of life.

As the conversation continues, stakeholders are optimistic that the framework will provide the clarity and structure needed to make rehabilitation services more equitable, consistent, and impactful across Northern Ireland.

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