CSP Scotland office

The staff in our Scotland team represent the profession and members' collective views to politicians, the public and the press.

Scotland area including Shetland

The CSP in Scotland represents the interests of the membership in Scotland, particularly in the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood and within the various Scottish government and NHS Scotland health structures. 

CSP Scotland aims to raise the profile and influence of physiotherapy in Scotland, help shape national policy in health and wellbeing, and support members at a local level. 

The office also provides employment relations services to members and assists the work of the CSP Scottish Board.

  • Public affairs and policy manager for Scotland: Kenryck Lloyd-Jones
  • CSP professional advisor (Scotland): Sara Conroy
  • Engagement support officer: Lucy Starrs
  • Trade union organiser: Nina Strathie
  • Senior negotiating officer: Claire Ronald 
  • Negotiating and casework officer: Matthew Tucker  
  • Campaigns & regional engagement officer: Mindy Dalloway

Want to know more about what people in these roles do? Read more about CSP local teams


With all staff in Scotland now working remotely, the CSP has not reopened an office. We will review our needs if circumstances change. The CSP will continue to use local spaces for member meetings or events in Scotland as we always have done.

Telephone: 020 7306 6666
Email: scotland@csp.org.uk

All post should be sent to the CSP Head Office in London:

3rd Floor South
Chancery Exchange
10 Furnival Street

CSP Scottish Board

Join active members in Scotland

Made up of CSP members, the Scottish board leads and represents the profession by promoting excellence in practice and employment, and influencing healthcare policy across the country and the rest of the UK.

Find out more about the board, including how you can get involved